Book Name: 101 Tips for a Successful Automation Career
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101 Tips for a Successful Automation Career pdf

Table of contents :

101Tips for A Successful Automation Career_McMillan Preface……Page 1
101Tips for A Successful Automation Career_McMillan TOC……Page 3
Tip 1 Always Ask Why Never Stop Learning……Page 9
How to Use Plant-Wide Feedforward for More Flexible and Efficient Production……Page 0
Tip 2 Always Note the Author of a Technical Article……Page 10
Tip 3 Pain Is Instructive……Page 12
Tip 4 Why You Should Establish a High Level of Trust with Your Automation Co-Workers……Page 14
Tip 5 Automation Industry Career Tip Admit Your Errors……Page 16
Tip 6 The Balance Between Risk Avoidance and Need for Change in Process Automation……Page 18
Tip 7 If You Have to Tell Everyone How Smart You Are You Probably Arent……Page 20
Tip 8 Never Underestimate the Power of Politics and Emotion in an Industrial Automation Career……Page 22
Tip 9 How to Determine the Reliability of an Actuator……Page 24
Tip 10 Butterfly and Ball Valves with Positioners Are Not Control Valves……Page 26
Tip 11 Benefits and Shortcomings of Vortex Flowmeters……Page 28
Tip 12 The Good the Bad and the Ugly of Magmeters……Page 30
Tip 13 What are the Strengths and Weaknesses of Differential Pressure Flow Devices (1)……Page 32
Tip 14 How to Specify a Capillary Seal Assembly……Page 34
Tip 15 The Value of Process in Designing or Improving an Industrial Control System……Page 36
Tip 16 The Benefit of Outlines and Flow Charts for Industrial Project Development……Page 38
Tip 17 The Value of Messaging in Industrial Control Systems……Page 40
Tip 18 Pitfalls of Selecting Low-Cost Industrial Instrumentation……Page 42
Tip 19 Always Design in Spare Capacity to Allow for Industrial Plant Expansion……Page 44
Tip 20 Benefits of Individually Fusing IO with Indicating Fuse Blocks……Page 46
Tip 21 Too Many Alarms Can Be Worse Than None at All……Page 48
Tip 22 Why Successful Automation Engineers Are Detail-Oriented……Page 50
Tip 23 Murphys Law Is Alive and Well in Industrial Processes……Page 52
Tip 24 The Importance of IO Cards When Performing a DCS Retrofit……Page 54
Tip 25 Make Sure the Coffee Is Strong and the Pot Brews Quickly on Start-up career tip……Page 56
Tip 26 Document Your Code……Page 57
Tip 27 Create Thoroughly Test THEN Replicate……Page 59
Tip 28 Plug and Play Devices Often Dont……Page 61
Tip 29 Why Control Panels Can Be a Source of Risk in Retrofit Projects……Page 63
Tip 30 Appearance Matters……Page 65
Tip 31 Project Management Is Really Risk Management……Page 67
Tip 32 Industrial Automation Project Management Tips……Page 69
Tip 33 High Pay Is Great but Life Is Too Short to Stay in a Job You Dislike……Page 71
Tip 34 Why Is Instrumentation Critical for the Automation Professional……Page 73
Tip 35 Why Operators Can Make or Break an Automation Project……Page 75
Tip 36 A College Degree Does NOT Buy You Respect……Page 77
Tip 37 Get Past the References You Are Offered……Page 79
Tip 38 Why You Should Avoid Scripted Control System Demonstrations……Page 81
Tip 39 Know the Codes……Page 83
Tip 40 How to Build Communications Skills as an Engineer……Page 85
Tip 41 Why New Engineers Should Get Plant Experience Early……Page 87
Tip 42 Consider Intangible Costs When Calculating an Industrial Project……Page 89
Tip 43 The Cost of a Continuous Waste Stream in Process Automation……Page 91
Tip 44 Why Engineers Should Foster Relationships with Vendors……Page 93
Tip 45 Why Engineers Should Learn to Estimate Jobs……Page 95
Tip 46 How to Build a Successful Project Team in the Automation Industry……Page 97
Tip 47 Why You Should Teach and Grow the Next Generation of Engineering Talent……Page 99
Tip 48 Treat Every Automation Professional with Respect……Page 101
Tip 49 High Pay Is Not Reason Enough to Stay in a Bad Industrial Automation Job……Page 104
Tip 50 Continuous Improvement in an Automation Career Requires Continuous Solicitation of Feedback……Page 106
Tip 51 Seek Conversations with Knowledgeable People……Page 108
Tip 52 Be a Good Listener……Page 110
Tip 53 The Best Process Control Technical Resources May Be Out of Print……Page 112
Tip 54 Why You Should Look for Opportunities to Improve Plant Profitability……Page 114
Tip 55 Why You Should Use the Best Automation Technology Even if the Price Tag Is Higher……Page 116
Tip 56 Learn New Skills and Explore Technological Advances……Page 118
Tip 57 Be a Team Player……Page 120
Tip 58 Automation Industry Career Tip Make Yourself More Marketable……Page 122
Tip 59 Why You Should Document the Benefits of Process Control Improvements……Page 124
Tip 60 Why Automation Professionals Should Write and Present Technical Papers……Page 126
Tip 61 How to Achieve Greater Manufacturing Efficiency With Online Process Metrics……Page 128
Tip 62 How to Use Simulation and Virtual Plants for Process Improvement……Page 130
Tip 63 Use Field Analyzers to Measure Key Component Concentrations……Page 132
Tip 64 How to Improve Setpoints……Page 134
Tip 65 How to Use High Rangeability Flowmeters and Valves to Increase Plant Turndown……Page 136
Tip 66 First Principles for a Deeper Understanding of Industrial Automation……Page 138
Tip 67 Optimal Measurement Location Maximizes Sensor Sensitivity and Signal-To-Noise Ratio……Page 140
Tip 68 How to Select the Best Control Valve Location……Page 142
Tip 69 Add Control Loops to Eliminate Manual Actions and Sequences in Process Control……Page 144
Tip 70 The Importance of Minimizing Dead Time in Process Automation……Page 146
Tip 71 How to Achieve Best Disturbance Rejection and Setpoint in Industrial Processes……Page 148
Tip 72 How to Achieve Best Loop Coordination and Optimization……Page 150
Tip 73 How to Use a Coriolis Meter for Mass Flow and Concentration Control……Page 152
Tip 74 How to Eliminate Split Range Oscillations in Process Control……Page 154
Tip 75 Use Wireless Transmitters for Diagnostics Improvements and Metrics……Page 156
Tip 76 Free Download Checklists to Manage Instrumentation and Manufacturing Technology……Page 158
Tip 77 Benefits of Increasing PID Gain and Reset Time for Vessels and Columns……Page 160
Tip 78 Decrease the PID Gain and Reset Time for Pipeline and Inline Control……Page 162
Tip 79 How Equipment and Operating Conditions Affect Process Dynamics……Page 164
Tip 80 Benefits of Using Sliding Stem Valves for Tighter Process Control……Page 166
Tip 81How to Select the Best Type and Size of Actuator for Tight Control……Page 168
Tip 82 The Importance of Using Tuned Positioners on All Control Valves……Page 170
Tip 83 Why You Should Not Use On-Off Valves as Control Valves……Page 172
Tip 84 Use Signal Characterization in the DCS to Linearize the Installed Flow Characteristic of a Valve……Page 174
Tip 85 What Are the Benefits of Linear Reagent Demand Control in Managing pH……Page 176
Tip 86 How to Determine the Health of a Glass Electrode……Page 178
Tip 87 How to Determine the Health of a Reference Electrode……Page 180
Tip 88 Use Middle Signal Selection to Improve pH Measurement Reliability……Page 183
Tip 89 What are the Benefits of Identifying Deadtime and Ramp Rate……Page 186
Tip 90 Benefits of Computing and Trending a Future Process Variable……Page 189
Tip 91 How to Use Output Tracking to Improve Setpoint and Abnormal Condition Response……Page 191
Tip 92 How to Make Reset Time and Feedforward Action Smarter……Page 193
Tip 93 How to Use an Adjustable Flow Ratio and Feedforward Summer to Optimize Flow Measurement……Page 195
Tip 94 How to Smooth the Transition Between Batch and Continuous Operations……Page 197
Tip 95 How to Use External-Reset Feedback for Cascade Control……Page 200
Tip 96 How to Optimize Batch End Points and Cycle Times……Page 202
Tip 97 How to Use Valve Position Control to Optimize Process Efficiency and Capacity……Page 204
Tip 98 How to Achieve Process Simulation Fidelity……Page 207
Tip 99 Why a Virtual Plant Is Crucial for Process Control Improvement……Page 210
Tip 100 Why You Should Use an Enhanced PID for At-Line and Off-Line Analyzers……Page 212
Tip 101 How to Use Plant-Wide Feedforward for More Flexible and Efficient Production……Page 214


101 Tips for a Successful Automation Career PDF

Author(s): Greg McMillan and Hunter Vegas

Publisher: ISA, Year: 2013


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