Book Name: Domain-Driven Design Using Naked Objects
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Domain-Driven Design Using Naked Objects 

Domain-Driven Design Using Naked Objects pdf

Domain-Driven Design Using Naked Objects epub

Author(s): Dan Haywood

Year: 2009

ISBN: 9781934356449




Book Description:

Domain-driven design (DDD) focuses on what matters in enterprise applications: the core business domain. Using object-oriented principles, you can develop a domain model that all team members—including business experts and technical specialists—can understand. Even better, this model is directly related to the underlying implementation. But if you’ve tried building a domain-driven application, you’ll know that applying the DDD principles is easier. Naked Objects, an open-source Java framework, lets you build working applications simply by writing the core domain classes. Naked Objects automatically renders your domain object in a generic viewer–either a rich client or HTML. You can use its integration with Fitnesse to test-drive the development of your application story-by-story. Once developed, you can deploy your application to the full Naked Objects runtime or within your existing application infrastructure. In this book, Dan Haywood first gives you the tools to represent your domain as plain old Java objects, expressing business rules both declaratively and imperatively. Next, you’ll learn the techniques to deepen your design while keeping it maintainable as the scope of your application grows. Finally, you’ll walk through the development practices needed to implement your domain applications, taking in testing, deployment, and extending Naked Objects itself. Throughout the book, you’ll build a complete sample application, learning fundamental DDD principles as you work through the application step by step. Every chapter ends with exercises to gain further experience in your projects. Through its focus on the core business domain, DDD delivers value to your business stakeholders, and Naked Objects makes using DDD easy to accomplish. Using Naked Objects, you’ll be ready in no time to build fully featured, domain-driven applications.

Table of contents :

Cover……Page 1
Title……Page 5
Copyright……Page 6
Contents……Page 7
Preface……Page 14
Who This Book Is For……Page 15
How the Book Is Organized……Page 16
Case Study and Exercises……Page 17
Further Resources……Page 18
Tools……Page 20
Understanding Domain-Driven Design……Page 21
The Essentials of DDD……Page 22
Introducing Naked Objects……Page 26
Naked Objects in About Five Minutes……Page 28
How Naked Objects Helps with DDD……Page 34
The Big Picture……Page 37
Introducing CarServ……Page 41
Getting Ready……Page 43
Creating the Domain Classes……Page 45
Using Repositories to Locate Objects……Page 49
Identifying Objects to the User……Page 53
Capturing Simple Business Rules……Page 59
Providing Choices for Properties……Page 61
Associating Objects……Page 64
Adding Describing Concepts……Page 71
Capturing Business Rules for Collections……Page 77
Rapid Prototyping……Page 80
Fixtures for Setting Up Domain Objects……Page 81
Fixtures for Setting Up the Clock……Page 84
Fixtures for Setting Up User Sessions……Page 87
Organizing Fixtures into Hierarchies……Page 91
Creating Behaviorally Complete Objects……Page 95
Adding Behavior to Domain Objects……Page 96
Validating Action Arguments……Page 98
Making Actions Friendlier to Use……Page 101
Adding Finders to Repositories……Page 103
Implementing Business Rules……Page 106
Validation Recap……Page 107
Disabling Class Members……Page 110
Hiding Class Members……Page 113
Declarative Rules and the Object Life Cycle……Page 117
Validating the Entire Object……Page 120
Using Value Types……Page 124
Identifying Value Types……Page 125
Pushing Business Rules onto a Value Type……Page 126
Adding a Third-Party Value Type……Page 129
Specifying Defaults and Other Characteristics……Page 137
Isolating Infrastructure Services……Page 140
A Taxonomy of Services……Page 141
The Domain Object Container……Page 143
Dependency Injection……Page 145
Using Services in Fixtures……Page 146
Requirements for Writing Services……Page 147
Using Interfaces for Repositories……Page 149
Implementing a Calendar Service……Page 151
Hints and Tips for Writing Services……Page 154
Techniques……Page 157
Distributing Class Responsibilities……Page 158
Applying Coad Colors……Page 159
Factoring Out Objects……Page 161
Balancing Responsibilities……Page 166
Representing Large Collections with Finder……Page 168
Contributing Actions from Services……Page 172
Applying Domain Patterns……Page 176
Type as Factory Pattern……Page 177
Knowledge Level Pattern……Page 184
Null Object Pattern……Page 187
Role Object Pattern……Page 189
User Peer Object Pattern……Page 194
Strategy Pattern……Page 195
Process Object Pattern……Page 200
Keeping the Model Maintainable……Page 206
Analyzing the Structure of CarServ……Page 207
Decoupling by Moving Responsibilities……Page 210
Decoupling by Introducing Interfaces……Page 212
Layering Modules……Page 219
Decoupling by Splitting Classes……Page 221
Introducing an Application Package……Page 222
An Application Architecture Blueprint……Page 225
Scenario Testing……Page 229
Writing Developer Tests……Page 230
Scenario Testing Using FitNesse……Page 235
Getting Ready to Write Scenario Tests……Page 236
Writing Scenario Tests……Page 241
Hints and Tips……Page 249
Practices……Page 252
Developing Domain Applications……Page 253
The Layered Architecture……Page 254
Deployment Options……Page 255
Which Option to Choose?……Page 258
Development Activities……Page 261
Configuration Management……Page 264
Working Effectively……Page 267
Using Naked Objects Only in Development……Page 271
Decoupling from the Framework……Page 272
Programming Model Interaction Protocol……Page 276
Changing the Programming Model……Page 278
Integrating with Web Frameworks……Page 281
Deploying an Embedded Metamodel……Page 282
Integrating Layers with the Custom Presentation Option……Page 293
Integrating with the Database……Page 299
Configuring XML Persistence……Page 300
Mapping Entities Using JPA Annotations……Page 302
Mapping Value Objects Using JPA Annotations……Page 308
Mapping Relationships……Page 310
Porting over Repositories……Page 314
Deploying and Running the Application……Page 317
Integrating Within the Enterprise……Page 323
Bounded Context Patterns……Page 324
Exposing a RESTful Web Service for Other Systems……Page 326
Integrating Using an Enterprise Service Bus……Page 332
Deploying the Application……Page 345
Securing the Application……Page 354
Deploying the Sister Projects……Page 359
A CarServ Retrospective……Page 364
The DSFA Application……Page 365
Closing Thoughts……Page 366
Appendixes……Page 374
Programming Model Cheat Sheet……Page 375
Eclipse Templates……Page 379
Bibliography……Page 383


Book: Naked Objects PDF

Author(s): Richard Pawson and Robert Matthews
Book Description

Naked Objects for Java is a full-stack open source application development framework designed to let you rapidly develop domain-driven business applications. This book aims to introduce you to creating business systems from naked objects and to enable you to start building such methods using the Naked Objects framework.

Naked Objects is a radical approach that exposes the core business objects directly to the user instead of masking them behind a task-oriented user interface. This invaluable book describes the business case for designing systems this way, outlines a lightweight methodology you can adopt, and provides a short tutorial.

Defines “Naked Objects”-an Open Source toolkit for prototyping expressive systems that you can freely download
Covers theory and practice and includes several real-life illustrations of Naked Objects in practice
It contains all the information necessary to construct a Naked Objects project.


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