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Table of contents :

Title Page\r……Page 1
Contents……Page 7
1 Basic Nuclear Concepts……Page 13
2 Nuclear Structure\r……Page 23
3 Interactions of Nuclear Radiations with Matter\r……Page 85
4 Radioactive Decay\r……Page 125
5 Nuclear Reactions……Page 183
6 Nuclear Force\r……Page 235
A Nuclear Force Information from the Two-Nucleon System……Page 243
B Physical Properties of the Elements……Page 263
C Properties of Stable Nuclides\r……Page 267
D Values of Physical Constants and Conversion Factors……Page 273
Bibliography……Page 275
Index\r……Page 281


Elements of nuclear physics PDF

Author(s): Walter E. Meyerhof

Publisher: MGH

ISBN: 0070417458

