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Jawetz Melnick & Adelbergs Medical Microbiology 28 E Book Pdf Free Download

Jawetz Melnick & Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology 28 E By Stefan Riedel, Stephen A. Morse, Timothy A. Mietzner, Steve Miller


Jawetz Melnick & Adelbergs Medical Microbiology 28 E is biology book by Stefan Riedel, Stephen A. Morse, Timothy A. Mietzner, Steve Miller, published in 2019.

Since 1954, Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology has been hailed by students, instructors, and clinicians as the single-best resource for understanding the roles microorganisms play in human health and illness.

Concise and fully up to date, this trusted classic links fundamental principles with the diagnosis and treatment of microbial infections. Along with brief descriptions of each organism, you will find vital perspectives on pathogenesis, diagnostic laboratory tests, clinical findings, treatment, and epidemiology. The book also includes an entire chapter of case studies that focuses on differential diagnosis and management of microbial infections.

Here’s why Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology is essential for USMLE® review:

  • 640+ USMLE-style review questions
  • 350+ illustrations
  • 140+ tables
  • 22 case studies to sharpen your differential diagnosis and management skills
  • An easy-to-access list of medically important microorganisms
  • Coverage that reflects the latest techniques in laboratory and diagnostic technologies
  • Full-color images and micrographs
  • Chapter-ending summaries
  • Chapter concept check


Table of contents :

Cover……Page 1
Title Page……Page 2
Copyright Page……Page 3
Index……Page 0
Preface……Page 4
Biologic Principles Illustrated by Microbiology……Page 6
Viruses……Page 7
Prions……Page 8
Prokaryotes……Page 9
Protists……Page 12
Review Questions……Page 14
Optical Methods……Page 16
Eukaryotic Cell Structure……Page 18
Prokaryotic Cell Structure……Page 21
Staining……Page 43
Morphologic Changes During Growth……Page 44
Review Questions……Page 45
Criteria for Identification of Bacteria……Page 48
Classification Systems……Page 51
Description of the Major Categories and Groups of Bacteria……Page 53
Nonculture Methods for the Identification of Pathogenic Microorganisms……Page 57
Review Questions……Page 58
The Meaning of Growth……Page 60
Exponential Growth……Page 61
The Growth Curve in Batch Culture……Page 62
Growth in Biofilms……Page 63
Strategies to Control Bacteria at the Environmental Level……Page 64
General Mechanisms of Biocide Action……Page 66
Specific Actions of Selected Biocides……Page 68
Relationship of Biocide Concentration and Time on Antimicrobial Killing……Page 69
Key Concepts……Page 70
Review Questions……Page 71
Sources of Metabolic Energy……Page 74
Nutrition……Page 75
Environmental Factors Affecting Growth……Page 76
Cultivation Methods……Page 79
Review Questions……Page 83
Focal Metabolites and Their Interconversion……Page 86
Assimilatory Pathways……Page 89
Biosynthetic Pathways……Page 97
Patterns of Microbial Energy-Yielding Metabolism……Page 100
Regulation of Metabolic Pathways……Page 106
Review Questions……Page 108
Nucleic Acids and Their Organization in Eukaryotic, Prokaryotic, and Viral Genomes……Page 110
Replication……Page 115
Transfer of DNA……Page 116
Mutation and Gene Rearrangement……Page 119
Gene Expression……Page 120
Genetic Engineering……Page 124
Characterization of Cloned DNA……Page 125
Analysis of DNA, RNA, or Protein-Expressing Clones……Page 128
Manipulation of Cloned DNA……Page 129
Review Questions……Page 130
Innate Immunity……Page 132
Adaptive Immunity……Page 136
Complement……Page 146
Cytokines……Page 149
Hypersensitivity……Page 151
Tumor Immunology……Page 153
Clinical Immunology Laboratory (Diagnostic Testing)……Page 154
Chapter Summary……Page 155
Review Questions……Page 156
9. Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infection……Page 160
Identifying Bacteria That Cause Disease……Page 161
Transmission of Infection……Page 162
Genomics and Bacterial Pathogenicity……Page 163
Bacterial Virulence Factors……Page 164
Chapter Summary……Page 172
Review Questions……Page 173
Role of the Resident Microbiota……Page 176
Normal Microbiota of the Skin……Page 177
Normal Microbiota of the Mouth and Upper Respiratory Tract……Page 179
Normal Microbiota of the Placenta and Uterus……Page 183
Review Questions……Page 184
Bacillus anthracis……Page 188
Clostridium species……Page 191
Clostridium botulinum……Page 192
Clostridium tetani……Page 193
Clostridia That Produce Invasive Infections……Page 195
Clostridium difficile and Diarrheal Disease……Page 196
Review Questions……Page 197
12. Aerobic Non–Spore-Forming Gram- Positive Bacilli: Corynebacterium, Listeria, Erysipelothrix, Nocardia, and Related Pathogens……Page 200
Corynebacterium diphtheriae……Page 201
Listeria monocytogenes……Page 204
Rhodococcus equi……Page 206
Nocardiosis……Page 207
Review Questions……Page 208
13. The Staphylococci……Page 210
Review Questions……Page 217
Classification of Streptococci……Page 220
Streptococcus pyogenes……Page 222
Groups C and G……Page 227
Viridans Streptococci……Page 228
Streptococcus pneumoniae……Page 229
Enterococci……Page 233
Other Catalase-Negative Gram-Positive Cocci……Page 235
Review Questions……Page 237
Classification……Page 240
Diseases Caused by Enterobacteriaceae Other Than Salmonella and Shigella……Page 243
The Shigellae……Page 247
The Salmonellae……Page 250
Review Questions……Page 255
Pseudomonas aeruginosa……Page 258
Burkholderia pseudomallei and Burkholderia mallei……Page 261
Burkholderia cepacia Complex……Page 262
Acinetobacter……Page 263
Review Questions……Page 264
Vibrio cholerae……Page 266
Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus……Page 270
Aeromonas species……Page 271
Campylobacter jejuni……Page 272
Helicobacter pylori……Page 273
Review Questions……Page 277
Haemophilus influenzae……Page 280
Haemophilus aegypticus……Page 282
Bordetella pertussis……Page 283
Bordetella bronchiseptica……Page 285
Francisella tularensis and Tularemia……Page 288
Review Questions……Page 290
Yersinia pestis and Plague……Page 294
Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis……Page 296
Review Questions……Page 298
Neisseria gonorrhoeae……Page 300
Neisseria meningitidis……Page 306
Other Neisseriae……Page 308
Review Questions……Page 309
Physiology and Growth Conditions for Anaerobes……Page 312
Anaerobic Bacteria Found in Human Infections……Page 313
Gardnerella vaginalis……Page 314
Pathogenesis of Anaerobic Infections……Page 315
Diagnosis of Anaerobic Infections……Page 316
Review Questions……Page 317
Legionella pneumophila and Other Legionellae……Page 320
Bartonella……Page 323
Whipple Disease……Page 325
Review Questions……Page 326
Mycobacterium tuberculosis……Page 328
Other Mycobacterium……Page 337
Mycobacterium leprae……Page 339
Review Questions……Page 340
Treponema pallidum and Syphilis……Page 344
Borrelia species and Relapsing Fever……Page 348
Borrelia burgdorferi and Lyme Disease……Page 349
Leptospira and Leptospirosis……Page 351
Review Questions……Page 353
Mycoplasmas……Page 356
Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Atypical Pneumonias……Page 358
Chapter Summary……Page 359
Review Questions……Page 360
Rickettsia and Orientia……Page 362
Ehrlichia and Anaplasma……Page 366
Coxiella burnetii……Page 367
Review Questions……Page 369
27. Chlamydia spp……Page 372
Trachoma……Page 375
Chlamydia trachomatis Genital Infections and Inclusion Conjunctivitis……Page 376
Lymphogranuloma Venereum……Page 377
Chlamydia pneumoniae and Respiratory Infections……Page 378
Chlamydia psittaci and Psittacosis……Page 379
Review Questions……Page 381
Inhibition of Cell Wall Synthesis……Page 384
Inhibition/Alteration of Cell Membrane Function……Page 386
Inhibition of Protein Synthesis……Page 387
Inhibition of Nucleic Acid Synthesis……Page 388
Origin of Drug Resistance……Page 389
Clinical Implications of Drug Resistance……Page 390
Measurement of Antimicrobial Activity……Page 392
Drug–Pathogen Relationships……Page 393
Host–Pathogen Relationships……Page 394
Antimicrobial Drugs Used in Combination……Page 395
Antimicrobial Chemoprophylaxis……Page 396
Penicillins……Page 398
Cephalosporins……Page 404
Tetracyclines……Page 406
Chloramphenicol……Page 407
Macrolides……Page 408
Glycopeptides, Lipopeptides, Lipoglycopeptides……Page 409
Polymyxins……Page 410
Aminoglycosides……Page 411
Quinolones……Page 412
Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim……Page 413
Drugs Used Primarily to Treat Mycobacterial Infections……Page 414
Review Questions……Page 416
Terms and Definitions in Virology……Page 418
Classification of Viruses……Page 419
Principles of Virus Structure……Page 425
Chemical Composition of Viruses……Page 426
Cultivation and Detection of Viruses……Page 428
Purification and Identification of Viruses……Page 429
Reaction to Physical and Chemical Agents……Page 430
Replication of Viruses: An Overview……Page 431
Genetics of Animal Viruses……Page 435
Natural History (Ecology) and Modes of Transmission of Viruses……Page 437
Review Questions……Page 439
Pathogenesis of Viral Diseases……Page 442
Prevention and Treatment of Viral Infections……Page 454
Review Questions……Page 459
Parvovirus Infections in Humans……Page 462
Review Questions……Page 466
Properties of Adenoviruses……Page 468
Adenovirus Infections in Humans……Page 472
Review Questions……Page 475
Properties of Herpesviruses……Page 478
Herpes Simplex Viruses……Page 481
Varicella-Zoster Virus……Page 487
Epstein-Barr Virus……Page 491
Cytomegalovirus……Page 494
Human Herpesvirus 6……Page 498
Herpes B Virus……Page 499
Review Questions……Page 500
Properties of Poxviruses……Page 504
Poxvirus Infections in Humans: Vaccinia and Variola……Page 507
Molluscum Contagiosum……Page 511
Tanapox and Y aba Monkey Tumor Poxvirus Infections……Page 513
Review Questions……Page 514
Properties of Hepatitis Viruses……Page 516
Hepatitis Virus Infections in Humans……Page 521
Chapter Summary……Page 532
Review Questions……Page 533
Properties of Picornaviruses……Page 536
Polioviruses……Page 537
Coxsackieviruses……Page 542
Other Enteroviruses……Page 545
Rhinoviruses……Page 546
Foot-and-Mouth Disease (Aphthovirus of Cattle)……Page 548
Review Questions……Page 549
Reoviruses and Rotaviruses……Page 552
Rotaviruses……Page 553
Reoviruses……Page 556
Caliciviruses……Page 557
Astroviruses……Page 559
Review Questions……Page 560
Human Arbovirus Infections……Page 562
Togavirus and Flavivirus Encephalitis……Page 564
Yellow Fever Virus……Page 572
Dengue Virus……Page 574
Bunyavirus Encephalitis Viruses……Page 575
Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus……Page 576
Bunyavirus Diseases……Page 577
Arenavirus Diseases……Page 579
Filovirus Diseases……Page 581
Review Questions……Page 583
Properties of Orthomyxoviruses……Page 586
Influenza Virus Infections in Humans……Page 591
Review Questions……Page 597
Properties of Paramyxoviruses……Page 600
Parainfluenza Virus Infections……Page 604
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections……Page 607
Human Metapneumovirus Infections……Page 609
Mumps Virus Infections……Page 610
Measles (Rubeola) Virus Infections……Page 612
Hendra Virus and Nipah Virus Infections……Page 615
Postnatal Rubella……Page 616
Chapter Summary……Page 618
Review Questions……Page 619
Properties of Coronaviruses……Page 622
Coronavirus Infections in Humans……Page 623
Review Questions……Page 626
Rabies……Page 628
Slow Virus Infections and Prion Diseases……Page 634
Review Questions……Page 637
General Features of Viral Carcinogenesis……Page 640
Molecular Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis……Page 641
Interactions of Tumor Viruses with Their Hosts……Page 642
Retroviruses……Page 643
DNA Tumor Viruses……Page 649
Polyomaviruses……Page 650
Papillomaviruses……Page 652
Herpesviruses……Page 655
Chapter Summary……Page 656
Review Questions……Page 657
Properties of Lentiviruses……Page 660
HIV Infections in Humans……Page 664
Chapter Summary……Page 674
Review Questions……Page 675
45. Medical Mycology……Page 678
General Properties, Virulence, and Classification of Pathogenic Fungi……Page 679
Laboratory Diagnosis of Mycoses……Page 683
Cutaneous Mycoses……Page 686
Subcutaneous Mycoses……Page 690
Sporotrichosis……Page 691
Chromoblastomycosis……Page 692
Mycetoma……Page 694
Endemic Mycoses……Page 695
Coccidioidomycosis……Page 696
Histoplasmosis……Page 700
Blastomycosis……Page 703
Paracoccidioidomycosis……Page 704
Candidiasis……Page 705
Cryptococcosis……Page 709
Aspergillosis……Page 711
Mucormycosis……Page 713
Other Opportunistic Mycoses……Page 714
Key Concepts: Opportunistic Mycoses……Page 715
Mycotoxins……Page 716
Antifungal Chemotherapies……Page 717
46. Medical Parasitology……Page 726
Classification of Parasites……Page 727
Intestinal Protozoan Infections……Page 731
Entamoeba histolytica (Intestinal and Tissue Ameba)……Page 732
Cryptosporidium (Intestinal Sporozoa)……Page 734
Blood Flagellates……Page 735
Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (Blood Flagellates)……Page 736
Trypanosoma cruzi (Blood Flagellate)……Page 737
Leishmania Species (Blood Flagellates)……Page 738
Naegleria fowleri, Acanthamoeba castellanii, and Balamuthia mandrillaris (Free-Living Amebae)……Page 739
Plasmodium Species (Blood Sporozoa)……Page 740
Babesia microti (Blood Sporozoa)……Page 743
Microsporidia……Page 744
Intestinal Helminthic Infections……Page 745
Trichuris trichiura (Whipworm—Intestinal Nematode)……Page 746
Ascaris lumbricoides (Human Roundworm— Intestinal Nematode)……Page 750
Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus (Human Hookworms—Intestinal Nematode)……Page 751
Trichinella spiralis (Intestinal and Tissue Nematode)……Page 752
Taenia saginata (Beef Tapeworm—Intestinal Cestode) and Taenia solium (Pork Tapeworm— Intestinal and Tissue Cestode)……Page 753
Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, and Brugia timori (Lymphatic Filariasis—Tissue Nematodes)……Page 754
Dracunculus medinensis (Guinea Worm—Tissue Nematode)……Page 755
Larva migrans (Zoonotic Larval Nematode Infections)……Page 756
Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosoma japonicum, and Schistosoma haematobium (Blood Flukes)……Page 757
Echinococcus granulosus (Hydatid Cyst)……Page 758
Review Questions……Page 759
Communication Between Physician and Laboratory……Page 762
Diagnosis of Bacterial and Fungal Infections……Page 763
Key Concepts: Antifungal Chemotherapy……Page 721
Review Questions……Page 722
Laboratory Aids in the Selection of Antimicrobial Therapy……Page 774
Diagnosis of Infection by Anatomic Site……Page 775
Anaerobic Infections……Page 781
Diagnosis of Chlamydial Infections……Page 782
Diagnosis of Viral Infections……Page 783
Review Questions……Page 788
Central Nervous System……Page 792
Respiratory……Page 796
Heart……Page 801
Abdomen……Page 802
Urinary Tract……Page 804
Bone and Soft Tissue……Page 809
Sexually Transmitted Diseases……Page 811
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infections……Page 814
Myocobacterium Avium Complex……Page 817
Infections in Transplant Patients……Page 821
Emerging Infections……Page 824

Title: Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology
Author(s): Stefan Riedel, Stephen Morse, Timothy Mietzner, Steve Miller
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Year: 2019 Edition: 28th Edition
Language: English Pages (biblio\tech): 827\827
ISBN: 9781260012026
Size: 93 MB (97923768 bytes) Extension: pdf


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