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Fiber Optic Communications

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Fiber Optic Communications By Pierre Lecoy

Book Description:

This book describes in a comprehensive manner the components and systems of fiber optic communications and networks. The first section explains the theory of multimode and single-mode fibers, then the technological features, including manufacturing, cabling, and connecting. The second section describes the various components (passive and active optical components, integrated optics, opto-electronic transmitters and receivers, and optical amplifiers) used in fiber optic systems.

Book Content:

Chapter 1 Multimode Optical Fibers (pages 1–32):
Chapter 2 Single?Mode Optical Fibers (pages 33–67):
Chapter 3 Fiber Optics Technology and Implementation (pages 69–101):
Chapter 4 Integrated Optics (pages 103–120):
Chapter 5 Optical Components (pages 121–140):
Chapter 6 Optoelectronic Transmitters (pages 141–166):
Chapter 7 Optoelectronic Receivers (pages 167–184):
Chapter 8 Optical Amplification (pages 185–202):
Chapter 9 Fiber?Optic Transmission Systems (pages 203–231):
Chapter 10 Fiber?Optic Networks (pages 233–261):
Chapter 11 Fiber?Optic Sensors and Instrumentation (pages 263–279):

Fiber-Optic Communications PDF

Author(s): Pierre Lecoy(auth.)

Publisher: Wiley-ISTE, Year: 2008

ISBN: 9781848210493


