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This book “Learn Python in One Day and Learn It Well PDF by Jamie Chan” is written to assist you learn Python programming FAST and learn it WELL. If you’re an absolute beginner in Programming, you will find that this book explains complex concepts in a simple to know manner. Examples are carefully selected to explain each topic so that you can gain a full understanding of the language. If you’re an experienced coder, this book gives you an honest base from which to explore Python.

The appendices at the top of the book also will provide you with a convenient reference for a few of the commonly used functions in Python.

In addition, as Richard Branson puts it: “The best way of learning about anything is by doing”. At the top of the course, you will be guided through a project that provides you an opportunity to place what you’ve learned to use.

Writer of “Learn Python in One Day and Learn It Well PDF by Jamie Chan“ is Jamie Chan

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Learn Python in One Day and Learn It Well PDF by Jamie Chan:

Table of Content

Chapter 1: Python, what Python?
What is Python?
Why Learn Python?
Chapter 2: Getting ready for Python
Installing the Interpreter
Chapter 3: The World of Variables and Operators
What are variables?
Naming a Variable
The Assignment Sign
Basic Operators
More Assignment Operators
Chapter 4: Data Types in Python
Type Casting In Python
Chapter 5: Making Your Program Interactive
Triple Quotes
Escape Characters
Chapter 6: Making Choices and Decisions
Condition Statements
If Statement
Inline If
For Loop
While Loop
Try, Except
Chapter 7: Functions and Modules
What are Functions?
Defining Your Own Functions
Variable Scope
Importing Modules
Creating our Own Module
Chapter 8: Working with Files
Opening and Reading Text Files
Using a For Loop to Read Text Files
Writing to a Text File
Opening and Reading Text Files by Buffer Size
Opening, Reading and Writing Binary Files
Deleting and Renaming Files
Project: Math and BODMAS
Part 1: myPythonFunctions.py
Part 2: mathGame.py
Challenge Yourself
Thank You
Appendix A: Working With Strings
Appendix B: Working With Lists
Appendix C: Working With Tuples
Appendix D: Working With Dictionaries
Appendix E: Project Answers

Learn Python in One Day and Learn It Well: Python for Beginners with Hands-on Project

Author(s): Chan, Jamie

Year: 2017


