Book Name: Iron Moon: An Anthology of Chinese Migrant Worker Poetry
Category: A Special Books
Language: English
Format: PDF
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Iron Moon: An Anthology of Chinese Migrant Worker Poetry pdf

Book Description:

“Iron Moon is a monumental achievement. It redraws the boundaries of working-class poetry for the new millennium by incorporating issues like migration, globalization, and rank-and-file resistance at its center. We hear in these poems what Zheng Xiaoqiong calls “a language of callouses.”  This isn’t a book about the lost industrial past; it’s an emotional testimony to the horrible, hidden histories of the 21st century’s working-class and a clarion call for a more collective and humane future.”—Mark Nowak, author of Coal Mountain Elementary.

Eleanor Goodman is a writer and translator. Her translation of work by Wang Xiaoni, Something Crosses My Mind, won the Lucien Stryk Translation Prize. Her first poetry collection is Nine Dragon Island.


Iron Moon: An Anthology of Chinese Migrant Worker Poetry PDF

Author(s): Xiaoyu Qin (editor), Eleanor Goodman (translator)

Publisher: White Pine Press, Year: 2017

ISBN: 1945680032,9781945680038


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