Book Name: Sacred Power, Sacred Space: An Introduction to Christian Architecture
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Sacred Power, Sacred Space: An Introduction to Christian Architecture 

Sacred Power, Sacred Space: An Introduction to Christian Architecture pdf

Book Description:

Jeanne Halgren Kilde’s survey of church architecture is unlike any other. Her main concern is not the buildings themselves but rather the dynamic character of Christianity and how church buildings shape and influence religion. Kilde argues that a primary function of church buildings is to represent and reify three different types of power: divine power, or ideas about God; personal empowerment as manifested in the individual’s perceived relationship to the divine; and social power, meaning the relationships between groups such as clergy and laity. Each type intersects with notions of the Christian creed, cult, and code and is represented spatially and materially in church buildings. Kilde explores these categories chronologically, from the early church to the twentieth century. She considers the form, organization, and use of worship rooms, the location of churches, and the interaction between churches and the broader culture. Church buildings have been integral to Christianity, and Kilde’s critical study sheds new light on how they impact all aspects of the religion. Neither mere witnesses to transformations of religious thought nor simple backgrounds for spiritual practice, church buildings are, in Kilde’s view, dynamic participants in religious change and goldmines of information on Christianity itself.

Table of contents :

Cover……Page 1
Title Page……Page 4
Copyright……Page 5
Acknowledgments……Page 8
Contents……Page 10
Illustrations……Page 12
1. A Method for Thinking about Power Dynamics in Christian Space……Page 16
Three Types of Power in Religious Space……Page 17
2. Early Christian Meeting Space in the Roman Empire……Page 26
Worship and Religious Space in the Ancient World……Page 27
Types of Early Christian Worship……Page 29
The Setting and Practice of Early Christian Meetings……Page 31
Transformation of the House Church into the Domus Ecclesiae……Page 36
The Formalization of Space and Worship in the Domus Ecclesiae……Page 42
Personal Empowerment within Early Christian Buildings……Page 45
The Development of the Christian Martyrium……Page 46
3. Imperial Power in Constantinian and Byzantine Churches……Page 52
The Power of Location……Page 53
The Basilica Form……Page 59
Liturgy and Hierarchical Power in the Basilica……Page 62
Experimentation and Centrally Planned Churches……Page 66
The Byzantine Church……Page 67
Complexities of Power in Constantinian and Byzantine Churches……Page 71
The Legacy of Byzantine Churches……Page 72
4. From Abbey to Great Church, Fortress to Heavenly City……Page 74
Monasticism and the Abbey……Page 75
The Gothic Church……Page 79
The Heavenly City in Stone and Glass……Page 82
The Plan and Furnishing of Medieval Great Churches……Page 85
The Medieval Chancel and Mass……Page 86
Concealing and Revealing the Divine……Page 88
The Power of Patronage……Page 91
Humanism and the Divine Narrative……Page 93
Christian Pilgrimage: Individual and Communal……Page 96
Medieval Christian Architectural Diversity: Stave Churches……Page 99
5. Transformations of the Renaissance and Reformation……Page 104
Humanism and the Power of the Patron……Page 105
Spatial Innovation in the Renaissance Church……Page 107
The Council of Trent Transforms Catholic Architecture……Page 111
Revisiting the Centralized Plan……Page 113
The New Spatial Setting of the Tridentine Mass……Page 117
Humanism and the Baroque Aesthetic……Page 121
The Protestant Reformation……Page 124
Lutheran and Reformed Worship Space……Page 127
Iconoclasm……Page 138
6. Formalism and Non- or Antiformalism in Worship and Architecture……Page 144
Formalism in Anglican Worship and Architecture……Page 146
The Growth of Antiformalism in Evangelical Worship……Page 158
The Versatility of Centralized Space……Page 162
Affective Antiformalism and the Revolution in Christian Space……Page 164
7. Historicism, Modernism, and Space……Page 174
The Historicist Foundation of Church Architecture in the Modern Era……Page 175
Modernist Tensions within Historicized Exteriors……Page 182
Reacting against Historicism……Page 184
Catholic Modernism……Page 188
The Modernist Ideals of Space, Material, and Light……Page 190
Modernism and the Liturgical Movement Unite……Page 198
The Second Vatican Council……Page 201
Restorationist Efforts……Page 204
Reprising the Auditorium Church……Page 205
The Reemergence of Historicism or the Rise of Postmodernism?……Page 208
8. Concluding Observations……Page 212
Glossary of Architectural Terms……Page 236
Index……Page 242

Sacred Power, Sacred Space: An Introduction to Christian Architecture PDF

Author(s): Jeanne Halgren Kilde

Publisher: Oxford UP, Year: 2008

ISBN: 9780195336061


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