C++: The Complete Reference By Herbert Schildt
Herbert Schildt is a bestselling American author, computer scientist, Windows programmer, and musician.
He is considered an authority figure on the C, C++ programming language and has written over twenty-seven books on the subject. Some of his books are C++: The Complete Referenceand Born To Code In C. Schildt’s books have sold over three million copies and have been translated into several languages.
Best-selling genius Herb Schildt covers everything from keywords, syntax, and libraries, to advanced features such as overloading, inheritance, virtual functions, namespaces, templates, and RTTI―plus, a complete description of the Standard Template Library (STL).
Detailed coverage includes:
Data types and operators
Control statements
Classes and objects
Constructors and destructors
Function and operator overloading
Virtual functions
Exception handling
The I/O library
The Standard Template Library (STL)
Containers, algorithms, and iterators
Principles of object-oriented programming (OOP)
Runtime type ID (RTTI)
The preprocessor
Much, much more