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Getting A Web Development Job For Dummies PDF

568e7f4829f63.jpg Author Bud E. Smith and Kathleen Taylor
Isbn 9781118967768
File size 8.9 Mb
Year 2015
Pages 312
Language English
File format EPUB
Category Web Development

Getting A Web Development Job For Dummies Book Description:

Craving a career in web dev? Chart your path with this
helpful guide

Getting a Web Development Job For Dummies provides a roadmap to one of the “hot jobs” in the booming world of tech. The web development field is large, and it encompasses many actual functions.

This book helps you understand the web development career opportunities and determine the path you should take, based on your own personal needs and preferences, to launch your career. You’ll learn about various career options, the skills you’ll need to become an attractive candidate, how to go about learning the ropes, and proving your abilities to a potential employer or client. With so many possible goals and no one right way to get there, this book cuts through the confusion to put you on the path to a career you want.

Getting a Web Development Job For Dummies is your guide to
formulating that plan and getting started right.

  • Find formal or informal ways to build the tech skills you’ll need
  • Discover where you fit, whether as a freelancer or within an organization
  • Learn how to build a resume, develop a portfolio, and impress interviewers
  • Get expert tips on finding resources, building a reputation, and more
