Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientist is often viewed as a fairly comprehensive compendium of mathematical formulas and theorems intended for researchers, university teachers, engineers, scientists and students of various backgrounds in mathematics. The absence of proofs and a concise presentation has permitted combining a considerable amount of reference material during a single volume.
When selecting the topics, the writers have given an accurate preference to practical aspects, namely, to formulas, methods, equations, and solutions that are most often used in scientific and engineering applications. Hence some abstract concepts and their corollaries are not contained in this book.
This book contains chapters on arithmetics, elementary geometry, analytic geometry, algebra, differential and calculus, differential geometry, elementary and special functions, functions of 1 complex variable, calculus of variations, applied mathematics, mathematical statistics, etc. Special attention is paid to formulas (exact, asymptotical, and approximate), functions, methods, equations, solutions, and transformations that are of frequent use in various branches of sciences like physics, mechanics, and engineering sciences.
The most distinction of this reference from other general (nonspecialized) mathematical reference books may be a significantly wider and more detailed description of methods for solving questions and obtaining their accurate solutions for many classes of mathematical equations (ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, integral equations, difference equations, etc.) that underlie mathematical modeling of various phenomena and processes in science and technology. In addition to well-known methods, some new methods that are developing intensively in recent years are described.
For the help of a large group of audience with different mathematical backgrounds, the authors tried to avoid special terminology whenever possible. Therefore, some of the methods and theorems are outlined during a schematic and somewhat simplified manner, which is sufficient for them to be used successfully in most cases. Many sections were written
so that they could be read independently. The material within subsections is arranged in increasing order of complexity. This allows the reader to urge to the guts of the matter quickly.
Read Online – Schaum’s OutlinesAdvanced Mathematics For Engineers Scientists
Author(s): Andrei D. Polyanin, Alexander V. Manzhirov
Publisher: Chapman & Hall/CRC
Year: 2007
ISBN: 9781584885023