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Tag: product design for the web randy hunt

Product Design For The Web

56cfd34a1e848.jpg Author Randy J. Hunt
Isbn 9780321929037
File size 1.2 MB
Year 2013
Pages 205
Language English
File format MOBI
Category Web Development

Product Design For The Web PDF

Book Description:

Web designers are no longer just web designers. To create a
successful web product that’s as large as Etsy, Facebook,
Twitter, or Pinterest–or even as small as a tiny app–you need
to know more than just HTML and CSS. You need to understand how
to create meaningful online experiences so that users want to
come back again and again.

In other words, you have to stop thinking like a web designer
or a visual designer or a UX designer or an interaction
designer and start thinking like a product designer.

In this breakthrough introduction to modern product design,
Etsy Creative Director Randy Hunt explains the skills,
processes, types of tools, and recommended workflows for
creating world-class web products. After reading this book,
you’ll have a complete understanding of what product design
really is and you’ll be equipped with the best practices
necessary for building your own successful online products.

Download Product Design for the Web: Principles of Designing and Releasing Web Products PDF

Author(s): Randy J. Hunt

Publisher: New Riders, Year: 2013

ISBN: 0321929039,9780321929037

Product Design for the Web: Principles of Designing and Releasing Web Products




Mobi Format
