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Mechanical Engineering MCQS

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THEORY of MACHINES Questions Answers

  1. Which of the following disciplines provides study of inertia forces arising from the combined effect of the mass and the motion of the parts
    (a) theory of machines
    (b) applied mechanics
    (c) mechanisms
    (d) kinetics
    (e) kinematics.
    Ans: d
  2. Which of the following disciplines provides study of relative motion between the parts of a machine
    (a) theory of machines
    (b) applied mechanics
    (c) mechanisms
    (d) kinetics
    (e) kinematics.
    Ans: e
  3. Which of the following disciplines provides study of the relative motion between the parts of a machine and the forces acting on the parts
    (a) theory of machines
    (b) applied mechanics
    (c) mechanisms
    (d) kinetics
    (e) kinematics.
    Ans: a
  4. The type of pair formed by two elements which are so connected that one is constrained to turn or revolve about a fixed axis of another element is known as
    (a) turning pair
    (b) rolling pair
    (c) sliding pair
    (d) spherical pair
    (e) lower pair,
    Ans: a









153. Angle of action of cam is defined as the angle
(a) during which the follower returns to its initial position
(b) of rotation of the cam for a definite displacement of the follower
(c) through which the cam rotates during the period in which the follower remains in the highest position
(d) moved by the cam from the instant the follower begins to rise, till it reaches its highest position
(e) moved by the cam from beginning of ascent to the termination of descent.
Ans: e

154. Angle of dwell of cam is defined as the angle
(a) during which the follower returns to its initial position
(b) of rotation of the cam for definite dis¬placement of the follower
(c) through which the cam rotates during the period in which the follower remains in the highest position
(d) moved by the cam from the instant the follower begins to rise, till it reaches its highest position
(e) moved by the cam from a beginning of ascent to the termination of descent.
Ans: c

155. Angle of ascent of cam is defined as the angle
(a) during which the follower returns to its initial position
(b) of rotation of the cam for a definite displacement of the follower
(c) through which the cam rotates during the period in which the follower remains in highest position
(d) moved by the cam from the instant the follower begins to rise, till it reaches its highest position
(e) moved by the cam from beginning oi ascent to the termination of descent.
Ans: d

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